Basic usage

The quickest way to get started is to install the latest toolchain, although this step should be automatically done if you installed fuelup via fuelup-init:

fuelup toolchain install latest

Keeping the Fuel toolchain up to date

The Fuel toolchain is distributed on one release channel: latest (with nightly being a WIP). fuelup uses the latest channel by default, which represents the latest stable release of the Fuel toolchain.

When new versions of the components within an distributable Fuel toolchain (latest or nightly) are released, simply type fuelup update to update:

fuelup update

Keeping fuelup up to date

You can request that fuelup update itself to the latest version of fuelup by running:

fuelup self update

Using Http Proxy

To configure fuelup to use your proxy setting you can change http_proxy(other optional enviroments see below) environment value. The value format is in libcurl format as in [protocol://]host[:port].

Supported proxy enviroment variables

  • http_proxy
  • https_proxy
  • all_proxy

Warning: don't leave all proxy environment with empty string or other invalid format

Help system

The fuelup command-line is built with clap, which serves a nice, built-in help system that provides more information about each command. Run fuelup help for an overview. Detailed help for each subcommand is also available.

For example, run fuelup component --help for specifics on installing components.